Black Lives Matter Resources List - Botanica

Black Lives Matter Resources List

Maya Porebska-Smith

To ensure this is a movement, not just a moment, non-black folks need to do the work of unlearning and divesting from white privilege and racism. While many might not be aware of racism, understanding our complicity (whether intentional or unintentional) in oppressive systems is essential to changing the current conditions. It’s okay to not know enough, however, if that’s the case, it is also your responsibility to educate yourself. Here are some of the resources, articles, individuals, and organizations that we’ve been learning from. We must fight for racial justice and equality together. There is a lot of work that needs to be done outside of some hashtags. If you know of any additional resources, people, or organizations that are helping the cause, please share them.

Not Just an American Issue: Racism is in Canada Too

Learn more about the historical context of racial segregation of black people in Canada:

Racism is not a problem that only exists in one country but all over the world. Here are some stories highlighting ongoing systemic and everyday racism in Canada:

Although there are many protests happening in the US, there are also protests happening across Canada. See what’s been happening by clicking here.

Take Responsibility for Educating Yourself

Understanding that racism exists is one thing, delving deeper into how it can be undone and the ways it intersects with other factors such as gender and sexuality is essential. Here are a few articles on thinking more critically about whiteness, racism, and racialized and gendered violence: Why You Need To Stop Saying “All Lives Matter”

Author Robyn Maynard, who wrote this important book, Policing Black Lives: State Violence in Canada from Slavery to the Present, also wrote this shorter piece specifically about the policing of black women in Canada.

It’s time to start thinking more about deconstructing whiteness and white identity (particularly if you are a white person or white passing). For a break down and education on White Privilege see this post by @theconciouskid. Listen to this talk by author of “I’m Still Here,” Austin Channing Brown with Brene Brown or her conversational lecture on her work.

Social Media

Individuals, groups and organizations on social media have shared lots of resources and knowledge about how to fight racism. Here are some of the accounts we have, and continue to, learned from. This list is by no means complete but these are some of the amazing accounts out there. Please share what you find with others.

The Next Generation

Teaching your kids at home right now? Here are several compilations of resources for teaching social justice to kids:

Video and films

Actions, Not Just Words

Millions of people posted a black square on Instagram this past Tuesday. But pushing past performative, albeit well-intentioned actions, is essential to changing the current circumstances. Here are some actionable steps. If you are looking for some specific posts on what can do right now, organizations to support, and statements to reflect on, here are a few:


If you are able to donate money or support black owned businesses, here are some places to consider:

Keep Learning

Here are some more resources that you can continue learning from:

Many of us are currently delving deep into learning and unlearning at this time. Let’s listen, share resources, do the individual work, and amplify melanated voices!

Photo Credit: black_tux

About the Author

Maya Porebska-Smith

Maya Porebska-Smith

Maya is passionate about learning and constantly seeks to do so in new ways. She recently graduated from the University of British Columbia and is...

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