5 Reasons Everyone Can Benefit From Protein Powder - Botanica

5 Reasons Everyone Can Benefit From Protein Powder

Charity Parkinson Cl.H., H.N.C.

Originally published on October 12, 2016.

For many years, protein powder was synonymous with men, masculinity and muscle builders. That image and attitude is thankfully changing. Protein is critical for all of us, and proper intake is essential for not only our muscle development and repair but also our brain, nervous system, immune system, endocrine system and all our organs. 

Protein plays an important role and is essential for people of all genders and walks of life, not just bodybuilders. It’s the key building block for all our cells and one food category that we don’t want to underestimate. 

5 reasons everyone can benefit from protein powder 

Protein powder for everyone infographic


Amino acids, the molecules that form protein, are also the building blocks of our neurotransmitters. We need protein in order to make these important chemicals so that our brain cells can communicate with each other. This extends to both mood and cognitive functions within our brain. At any stage in life, having enough complete protein (including all essential amino acids) in your daily diet – allows for these functions to happen with ease. 


Thyroid hormones require the amino acid tyrosine from protein to be synthesized, along with iodine. These hormones are essential for metabolism which regulates our weight, energy production, temperature and hormone function in both men and women.  


Research tells us that protein raises insulin levels to support storage of amino acids and absorption of nutrients, but unlike carbs, it also produces glucagon and balances our blood sugar after a meal. This reduces the spike and crash effect that often comes when we eat carbs. The result is feeling satiated longer after a meal and not running to the kitchen for a sugary snack soon after. 

4. protein PROMOTES better SLEEP

Melatonin, a hormone responsible for regulating our sleep and wake cycles, is made from the amino acid tryptophan. Having protein in the evening helps to calm the nervous system and supports melatonin production. Melatonin is also helpful for anti-aging, which is why we call nighttime sleep beauty sleep!  


Your hair and nails are primarily made up of protein fibres. Inadequate protein will slow down new hair growth and cause more hair-splitting as well as nails that break more easily. Protein also builds collagen (which is made of protein) and gives our skin its youthful elasticity and contributes to bone strength.

Protein powder FAQs 

How many scoops of protein powder a day do I need?

The World Health Organization recommends at least 0.8 grams of protein/kg of body weight for adults every single day which is about 55 grams/day for a 150 lb adult. Some health experts recommend more, especially if you are physically active, pregnant, nursing or in menopause.

The RDA for those pregnant or nursing is approximately 71 grams/day. The quantity and quality of protein affects fetal growth and development as well as the composition and production level of breast milk. According to researchers, menopausal women should consume 25-30 grams of protein with each meal, in order to maintain protein muscle synthesis, which is essential to the body’s ongoing growth, repair, maintenance of skeletal muscle and for reducing body fat. 

Botanica Perfect Protein contains 20 grams of protein per scoop. We recommend using one scoop per day, and complementing your protein needs with a balanced diet rich in other protein sources throughout the day.

How to use protein powder?

Protein powder is a versatile addition to your daily meals. You can add it to your morning smoothie, baked goods, breakfast recipes or plain water. Check out our Botanica recipes for inspiration! 

Is vegan protein powder a good source of protein?

Yes, vegan protein powder can provide substantial health benefits as a source of protein. However, not all vegan protein powders are created equally. Look for one that is pea and soy free to avoid digestive upset. Look for simple, clean ingredients with no fillers. Make sure it has all the essential amino acids present, ensuring it is a complete protein and provides the full range of benefits mentioned above.

Can kids have protein powder?

Yes, children can safely consume protein powder, with the dosage adjusted according to their weight as mentioned above. We recommend a whole food-based protein for kids, like our Botanica Perfect Protein, so that they are not exposed to refined protein isolates that are stripped away from their natural food source. It is a more balanced approach for children and adults alike. 

How can I choose the right protein powder for me?

Consuming high-quality protein is key for maintaining a healthy body- not just for bodybuilders, but for anyone leading a busy, active life. For more information on choosing the protein that’s right for you, check out this article, and consider consulting a nutritionist or your local health and wellness store for personalized advice.


Joint FAO/WHO/UNU Expert Consultation on Protein and Amino Acid Requirements in Human Nutrition (2002 : Geneva, Switzerland). Protein and amino acid requirements in human nutrition.


Sandwood, J. The Connection Between Protein and Your Mental Health. Mental Health Connecticut. 


The truth about metabolism. Harvard Health Publishing. 


Wentz, I. The Benefits of Amino Acids for Hashimoto’s. ThyroidPharmacist.com. 


F Q Nuttall, A D Mooradian, M C Gannon, C Billington, P Krezowski. Effect of protein ingestion on the glucose and insulin response to a standardized oral glucose load. Diabetes Care. 1984 Sep-Oct;7(5):465-70. doi: 10.2337/diacare.7.5.465. 


J Zagajewski, D Drozdowicz, I Brzozowska, M Hubalewska-Mazgaj, T Stelmaszynska, P M Laidler, T Brzozowski. Conversion L-tryptophan to melatonin in the gastrointestinal tract: the new high performance liquid chromatography method enabling simultaneous determination of six metabolites of L-tryptophan by native fluorescence and UV-VIS detection. J Physiol Pharmacol. 2012 Dec;63(6):613-21. 


Collagen – The Nutrition Source. Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health.  


About the Author

Charity Parkinson Cl.H., H.N.C.

Charity Parkinson Cl.H., H.N.C.

Charity is very passionate about natural medicine and has been studying in the field for almost 20 years with experience in health food retail, sales,...

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